20 daily habits to help you get rich

The habits of rich people.

Millionaires are not born, but become. A Fidelity Investments study showed that 80% of people with a fortune of more than $ 1 million achieved this figure on their own, that is, they did not receive the inheritance of wealthy parents and their help.

Rich people achieve success by adhering to simple rules and habits, which, in principle, are available to absolutely everyone with a strong desire and some kind of inner discipline.

Nobody succeeds just like that. This requires systematic and thoughtful work on yourself and your environment. Fortunately, the algorithm is successful. Well-known American sociologists and authors, for example, Thomas Corley, tried to identify it. For several years he studied the behavior of rich people and revealed the habits of the rich, their daily lifestyle and rules. Most of the respondents followed the same habits that you can easily adopt and start using in your life.

Your habits and lifestyle are why you are rich and this is why you are poor.

Corley explains that every person has some of the habits of the rich and also some of the poor. But the more you adopt the patterns of behavior followed by financially independent people, the closer you are to getting rich.

1. Say “NO”

Being able to say no is a useful quality in life. When you gain the courage and say this word in response to suggestions that do not suit you, you thereby save your own time, money and maybe even nerves.

You should be able to refuse another party with your acquaintances if you do not want to go to it. Do not be afraid of resentment, real friends will be obliged to support you in your choice. By doing this, you will have the right time to develop yourself. Use it effectively: study, sign up for courses, learn new things, get enough sleep, do a job that will help you advance your career.

Financially independent people know how to say no. Oddly enough, but this word changes the way of life and frees you from all wasteful, if, of course, you pronounce it in the “right places.”

2. Love

This is the religion of any millionaire. Love should become a habit. With it, you can build the future and protect the rear. Love for what you are doing, family, family, friends, and colleagues will help you overcome all difficulties on the way to the top. Love is the fuel for our main muscles. If you have an opinion on spreading love all over the world, then you will definitely be successful.

But never love money the most. Moving smoothly from ambition and desire to make the world a better place to greed is a slippery slope. Focusing on money can help you get richer, but that doesn’t mean you will feel happy.

According to statistics, almost 70% of winners in large lotteries experience death within 7 years. Money, and especially easy money, spoils people and destroys them. The key to true success is that you love despite them.

According to a study in Thomas Corley’s Rich Habits, 86% of people who loved their jobs had a net worth of about $ 3.6 million.

3. Make mistakes

Mistakes are something that goes side by side with success. Never be afraid to be wrong. If you make a mistake, it means that you are developing something new in yourself and already know exactly how not to do it. Understand that you are no longer in school and do not have to follow the assessment model that is used in all educational institutions. Therefore, mistakes in your formation are always permissible.

Many rich people have made big mistakes more than once before building a successful business. They mention that if you didn’t take the wrong steps in the past, you would never take the right steps in the future. The important thing is that you learn from your failures and can use that experience for your next decisions.

4. Don’t make excuses

If you blame others for your failures and constantly come up with reasons to make excuses, you are definitely losing yourself. Complaining hasn’t made anyone rich. Never try to make excuses, whether it is related to your personal or professional life. It is not politicians, parents, wife, children, boss, or Putin and Trump who are to blame for the fact that you are not successful.

The habits of the rich are such that they always feel guilty for all the incidents of their own lives. Your fate is in your hands, and no one controls it except you. Only 10% of wealthy people and a whole 90% of the poor say they believe in fate. The rest rely only on themselves, faith in their abilities and do not use complaints when accumulating wealth.

5. Take your time

Everyone has their own time and the line when they succeed. According to statistics, on average, one millionaire spends 10 to 20 years to achieve wealth. This is the time for which you can gain experience, make a few mistakes and a few conclusions from them, and learn to do your job professionally and efficiently.

Be patient, but don’t forget to act.

6. Ask questions

There are more questions than answers in life. But if you are not afraid to ask others about different things and about what you do not know or do not understand, then you will definitely learn more than someone who avoids questions. This daily practice is beneficial for your self-development. Remember, the worst question is the unasked question. The habits of the rich are not without it.

7. Write down 10 ideas a day.

It makes your brain work, generate and invent new things. At first it may be difficult for you to come up with even one idea, but over time, such a process will become easier for your mind to perceive. At the start of this practice, write down as many ideas as you can afford, and later it will become a habit and perhaps one of these ideas will turn out to be super successful. It is also useful for not forgetting what you are thinking. Try it regularly and you will see amazing results.

8. Do 1% More Every Day

No matter what you do. Whether it is work, study, investment or something else. Do 1% more every day. 1% per day adds up to 3800% per year. The only thing that matters here is your consistency and discipline. The habits of the rich are always to strive for more.

Read a little more, work a little more, train a little more, and you can feel a tremendous effect over the long haul. Thomas Corley says 81% of wealthy people say they always do a little more than their job suggests.

9. Wake up early

The habits of the rich definitely won’t do without this. Richard Branson, Tim Cook and Bill Gates are early risers. Waking up early is a powerful path to success because people who get up earlier can do something before others even start their day. Thomas Corley found that 44% of wealthy people wake up three hours before work, compared with 3% of poor people. During this time, they reflect, read and prepare for the day ahead.

10. Read instead of watching TV

Wealthy people believe in the importance of knowledge and education, and reading books goes hand in hand with that. 67% of wealthy people watch TV only an hour or less a day, and 88% say they read at least 30-40 minutes of professional literature every day. Just don’t confuse entertaining fiction with a serious and self-help book.

The rich are always in search of new experience and new knowledge. Obviously, you can find such in the clever works of recognized authors. The more you understand in your field, career, or industry, the more valuable you are to those who serve your business or to those who hire you. Reading is one of the main habits of the rich.

11. Dine longer

This may not seem productive. But financially independent people know it’s hard to keep their minds fresh throughout the day without interruption. This is why they take more time for lunch. It helps to distract and allows the brain to rest a little.

12. Exercise and eat right

Healthy body – healthy mind and mind. According to researchers, 57% of wealthy people track and count their calories every day. And 76% go to workouts and exercise 4 times a week, despite their busy schedule.

13. Make a to-do list

To Do List – Helps you stay focused throughout the day. If you want to achieve something, you have to formulate it, that is, define your goals and write them down.

The more accurate the better. For example, if you write “I want to be rich,” it will be too vague. It’s better to break your goal down into smaller, manageable tasks and not overwhelm yourself with too ambitious plans for tomorrow. Make a list every night before going to bed and in the morning you will be immediately aware of what you have to do.

Structuring your day is not a bad idea. Acting according to predetermined regulations, people free their minds for more serious things.

Not only do the rich keep a to-do list, but 67% of them keep it 70% or more. This means that at least 7 out of 10 tasks that you have formed for yourself today must be completed without fail.

14. Invest

The habits of the rich naturally extend to their relationships with money. If you suddenly managed to make a lot of money, that’s just great! But the lack of financial literacy, understanding of reasonable cost savings and investment can rob you of a solid income in a few days or months. Obscene squandering and lack of knowledge about how to manage money leads to disaster

Successful and rich people study the market and its instruments, select profitable and reliable assets in which they invest their money. In addition, they regularly save part of the income for the emergency fund and the savings fund, and only then think about the necessary expenses and purchases.

15. Follow your passion

Steve Jobs said that everyone should find a hobby. The only way to become rich and happy is to completely immerse yourself in what you love. No one person will succeed in activities that they do not like.

86% of the rich love what they do for a living. When you enjoy what you are doing, you spend more time on it. This allows you to hone your skills more productively. More time in reading to learn all about your calling. More time forging relationships with other success-oriented people in your industry or area. More time devoted to improving yourself makes you more valuable and wealthy.

16. Save

Successful people don’t like to waste money on nonsense. They have nothing to throw dust in the eyes of others. Bill Gates traveled around the world on public flights for a long time, and Mark Zuckerberg still drives a relatively inexpensive Volkswagen GTI with a manual transmission. And believe that none of them would have thought of buying a new smartphone model simply because it is fashionable. 94% of the wealthy in the Thomas Corley study save 20% or more of their annual income.

17. Meditate

Scientific studies have shown that meditation has a positive effect on a number of parameters that are important for a person. From mental and physical health to improving memory and strengthening immunity. Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO), media mogul Oprah Winfrey and many others say they practice meditation on a daily basis.

18. Chat with the right people

Nowadays, many people agree to any social circle. Just not to be alone. However, this behavior is not productive. Be more demanding of your surroundings and of yourself. Look for smart and wealthy people to communicate. Look for people who are better than you in some way, so you force yourself to reach their level.

68% of the wealthy have relationships with optimistic people who are also success-oriented. These are people who can open doors for you. These are people who are trying to get better without complaining or cursing everything around. Such people will give you inspiration and new ideas.

This is also important for working on a common cause. In most cases, a wealthy person has a team or mentor who helped achieve the result (like-minded people). According to success.com, 93% of wealthy people said they would not have made their fortune if not for their teachers and partners. This is another important thing that goes into the habits of rich people.

19. Don’t let your emotions get in the way.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “nothing personal, just business” – it’s harsh, but it makes sense. When you let your emotions take over, you literally shut off half of your brain.

Emotions, good or bad, strongly affect the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for logic and rational decision making. This is especially true in times of failure or difficult choices.

20. Don’t waste money you don’t have.

It’s about debt, credit, and waste. Of course, you might be tempted to go out and buy your very best when you just got a loan or when you got a nice cash bonus at work. But the rich don’t do that. They buy only what they really need (after having analyzed the prices), and not what, in principle, they can afford.

By applying smart ways of saving, you are gradually moving towards wealth. The savings do not depend at all on what your salary is.