The first month on YouTube or How to start making YouTube videos?

In this article, I want to share my skills that I gained in my first month as a budding YouTube blogger. I would be glad if this experience is useful to someone.

Briefly about me:

I have been working as a programmer for many years. Since December 2015, I have been working in Vietnam for an insurance company. In my free time, I decided to study YouTube and upgrade to the Pro level because I am very interested in Influencer marketing in general.

The first problem I encountered was of course the fear of the camera. But I was serious about it, and I perfectly understood that there was a long and exhausting road ahead. I picked up a camera and started recording my first videos. The very moment when you pick up the camera, no one even looks at you and you do not even plan to publish this video on YouTube, and you still panic and cannot even express your thoughts out loud, pronouncing word by word.

It took me 7-10 days. I made test videos every day, anywhere, anytime! Finally, the fear of the camera disappeared.

And so advice-exercises number 1:

  • Record your first test video;
  • Look yourself from the side;
  • Identify problematic points that you don’t like;
  • Try to fix it, work on yourself;
  • Click the record button and go ahead;
  • Repeat this exercise until you feel free and more relaxed;

Step 2. Choosing a niche or YouTube channel idea.

Since I’m new to YouTube, those video tips in search results in Russian and in English about choosing a niche are really relevant because it’s really difficult to find an idea for a channel. Firstly, there are a lot of them, and secondly, you seem to have already decided to become a blogger, and you are already in your dreams of a super successful blogger with a millionaire))), but when the question arises before you “What topic will the first video be?”. Here you understand how serious it really is. Therefore, I recorded the first video on this very topic. And then I recorded a vlog video about how I stopped being afraid of the camera.

Those who professionally teach YouTube on YouTube))), then all together say that the first videos will be disgusting and of low quality, “YOU MAIN START TO FAST THEM,” they repeat. And learn an important, perhaps one of the most important, rule for the YouTube algorithm: sequence. In other words, if you have chosen a publication schedule for yourself, then follow it, constantly, because your subscribers will wait for the next release, on the same day (days).

And YouTube, thereby, put this into the algorithm because it is important for it to display ads on these videos. In general, there are actually too many things. Therefore, in the next articles I will write in more detail about each important topic in working with YouTube.

Step 3. Creating a YouTube channel.

Next, you have to create a YouTube channel and come up with a name for it. Now I will not write about the importance of decorating the channel with a header, description, tags and other staffs, firstly because I have not done it myself yet, and secondly, when you chose a schedule of two videos per week to close the year not at 50 + video, and in 100+, then you understand that it will wait a bit. But it’s worth planning, these events. I just thought that 10-20 videos are better than a decorated channel, but no video. This is all about the time you need to devote to everything.

Step 4. Selecting a camera and microphone.

Created a Youtube channel, but what next? Of course, like many novice bloggers, I’m just sure of this, they immediately start thinking about choosing a camera and microphone. I have reviewed numerous reviews, both in English and Russian. And I was straight, eager to buy myself this technique. And now much of what I bought is lying and waiting for its moment. Indeed, at the beginning of the path, the pro mode does not immediately turn on, but everything works like, then on emotions and on this swirl of inspiration, motivation.

There are 0 subscribers on the channel, and you already think that if they watch you, they will think what bad vidos, and in general I am leaving here. That’s exactly what I thought! But now I understand that the first months are like startups, there is a period of time that can be called a “test for everything.” Test for loyalty to an idea, willpower, discipline. We are humans, not robots. Thoughts and crawl into the brain. Why do you need this? Don’t disgrace yourself, Yurets! I’m not talking about friends and relatives who have already told me this. But they didn’t want to harm or harm, they just probably don’t understand the full picture and real possibilities of not only the YouTube platform, but in general Influencer marketing and its potential, which I want to know.

In general, I advise you not to rush into buying a camera and microphone, at least in the first month of work. Yes, it’s work, because this is what the next stages of the whole process will be about, from the fight against fear of the camera to video optimization in services such as VidIQ, and the collection of analytics data (number of minutes of viewing, etc.).

Step 5. The shooting process.

And so the filming process begins. Try to discipline yourself from the first days and learn how to plan the days that you will devote to YouTube. For my educational channel, I post videos twice a week. Wednesday night and Sunday night. I don’t know why yet, it just so happened and went, went. What does it mean?

And what if you posted the video on Sunday night, you only have two days to go through this list of events again:

1. Search for a topic.

Search for a topic for the next video if you still haven’t learned how to write a content plan. Even if there is one, there is a video for this date, but you just do not have time to prepare and improvisation begins. That while I have a frequent occurrence. For example, the video “Boya mm1 microphone test on a scooter”. Pure improvisation. Since I did not keep up with the deadlines. Just an hour before lunchtime I decided to make such a video and away we go.

Experts say you need to look for trends in your niche or do a search (research) for keywords. I can do this, as I have done it in other projects, but again these SEO skills, in no way, sometimes do not save you at the stage of preparation for shooting. Therefore, even if you found a great topic, it does not mean that you can tell it on camera. Preparation and study of the topic is required. This is not an article to write. Although this process is not so simple. By the way, this is my first public article in my life. So, please do not judge strictly. For my grammar and context! First pancake. But most importantly, I decided on this and took the first step!

2. Preparing the script.

Next comes the development of the script. It consists of several stages:

  • Hook like in boxing. What is a clue in translation. At the beginning of the video, there is no need to say hello to the viewer, as your task is to draw attention to the main content. In the first videos, I allowed this, now I try not to do it.
  • Next, you can start a graphic video screen saver for your channel with the name of the channel. The so-called Intro! It shouldn’t be too long. 5-10 seconds, normal
  • Next, a greeting, and we begin to show and tell the main content.
  • CALL-TO-ACTION. Invite viewers to leave comments, click the bell)) and subscribe as well. In some of my videos, I missed one thing, then another. It would seem that the video was watched 20 to 300 times in the first days, but after all, YouTube is famous for this, that video is, like articles, they constantly play a game called SEO, that is, they will always be searched and watched!

Step 6. Uploading videos to YouTube and SEO optimization

Video optimization. From the first days I immediately connected the VidIQ service. Some of the beginning video bloggers will not do this. I advise you not to be afraid that everything in this plugin is too complicated at first glance. But here’s the reason to install it. The fact is that from the moment you publish your first video, your YouTube tab in the browser will almost never close)))) and then, if you want or don’t want to get used to these VidIQ metrics on your own. Just install and see that you will only benefit from it.

Step 7. YouTube analytics

Analytical video data. Actually, it is because of this seventh step that you will not close YouTube at all, figuratively, of course. Whether it’s YouTube or the YouTube Studio app (YT Studio). I’d better warn you right away against indicators and metrics that may upset you.

Better just tune in to a low number of views. But I want you to pay attention to the number of minutes that the viewer devotes to your video. If he “jumped off”, as in many of my videos, then from this moment you will start your GROWTH. Yes exactly! Because the phenomenon that you like yourself will disappear right away and your video is just CLASS! This is the metric that will show how things are in reality. And why the growth will go. Growth not in terms of subscribers, but the growth of your development as a VIDEO specialist. You will start to think: what else can be added to the video to keep the viewer. Go to YouTube and learn!

Study with me, I will be very happy to share useful knowledge with you! Here is one link for the entire post, where you can subscribe to my YouTube channel in Russian language and in English.

Thank you for reading this article to this line! Respect to all.

I will write about other processes when creating video, such as rehearsing replicas, filming, editing, saving video in the required formats in the following articles.